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 ビューレント・アータレイ著『モナ・リザと数学―ダ・ヴィンチの芸術と科学』(高木 隆司 佐柳 信男【訳】 (京都)化学同人)にて、久々にベブ・ドゥーリトル(Bev Doolittle)作の「Pintos(まだら馬たち)」を見ることができた。


→ "Pintos" by Bev Doolittle さて、一体、何頭の馬が居るでしょう? (画像は、「Bev Doolittle's Virtual Art Gallery」より)

"I was observing a small group of chestnut horses in a grassy meadow when I became aware that they were 'observing' me. This seemed like an interesting situation for a painting. I also thought it would be fun to have the horses observing you, the viewer, before you could find the horses! So I began to think of ways to camouflage them. The chestnut horses became Pintos, and the grassy meadow turned into a backdrop of rocks and snow." - Bev Doolittle




← "The Spirit Takes Flight" by Bev Doolittle アルチンボルド歌川国芳も真っ青の世界 ? ! (画像は、「Bev Doolittle's Virtual Art Gallery」より)

"The Spirit Takes Flight"の絵についての、ドゥーリトル(Doolittle)のコメント:
"Chief Seattle once said, "We are part of the Earth, and the Earth is part of us." - Bev Doolittle




→ "Spirit Of The Grizzly" by Bev Doolittle (画像は、「Bev Doolittle's Virtual Art Gallery」より)

"Spirit Of The Grizzly"の絵についての、ドゥーリトル(Doolittle)のコメント:
"The Plains Indian had an intimate knowledge and deep respect for the animals that shared his environment. He especially coveted the courage, strength and hunting skills of animals like the eagle, wolf, and bear. By wearing the fur, feathers and claws of these great hunting animals he hoped to possess a part of their 'spirit'. I've illustrated a Blackfoot Indian, beside a cold mountain stream, who has truly wrapped himself in the 'Spirit of the Grizzly.'"

Bev Doolittle's Virtual Art Gallery


← "Let My Spirit Soar" by Bev Doolit (画像は、「Bev Doolittle's Virtual Art Gallery」より)

"Let My Spirit Soar"の絵についての、ドゥーリトル(Doolittle)のコメント:
"My thoughts fly up like birds it the sky. I am free. I can fly. I go everywhere. I see everything. Towering mountain ranges and a tiny flower growing in the desert. I see cities and highways and a fallen tree I see a grandmother telling a story to a child. I sit quietly But my thoughts fly up like the birds in the sky. Only I know where they go. When you sit quietly,where do your thoughts go? What do you see?" - Bev Doolittle




→ "Mining Marigolds" Original Lithograph by Bev Doolittle (画像は、「Bev Doolittle's Virtual Art Gallery」より)

"Mining Marigolds"の絵についてのコメント:
As a gardener, Bev is all too familiar with trouble rabbits can cause to a freshly planted flower bed. Often you don’t see them, just the remnants of their last meal. Doolittle encountered the mining cart one afternoon and was struck by the idea of what a great planter it would make. Put together, they create the joy of Mining Marigolds.

 ベブ・ドゥーリトル(Bev Doolittle)のプロフィールは、「Bev Doolittle's Virtual Art Gallery」によると:
Bev Doolittle was born and grew up in California. In 1968, she graduated from the Art Center College of Design in Los Angeles. She met her husband, Jay, at school, and they started married life with a painting trip to Bryce Canyon and Zion National Parks-a portent of things to come. For the next five years, however, the Doolittle’s were engaged in advertising art and TV productions in Los Angeles.



← "The Sentinel" by Bev Doolittle (画像は、「Bev Doolittle's Virtual Art Gallery」より)

"The Sentinel"の絵についての、ドゥーリトル(Doolittle)のコメント:
"Look closely: both the brave and the earth itself wear a wolf headdress. Cementing their bond, and their responsibility to each other, is a glorious rainbow and its reflection - an image that brings 'The Sentinel' full circle."

 なお、ビューレント・アータレイ著『モナ・リザと数学―ダ・ヴィンチの芸術と科学』(高木 隆司 佐柳 信男【訳】 (京都)化学同人)からは、本稿のほかに、下記の記事をスピンアウト的に作っている:

                             (09/07/12 作)


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この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: ベブ・ドゥーリトルの<擬態>画の世界:

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