« 井上安治:影法師切なる思い描きしか | トップページ | ビエスタッド(後篇:センス・オブ・ワンダー) »



 アルバート・ビエスタッド(Albert Bierstadt 1830-1902)は、「肉筆複製画・美術品・絵画販売 ハドソンリバー派絵画」によると、アメリカのハドソンリバー派の画家で、「ドイツ生まれで両親と米国に移住し、その後3年間ドイツアカデミーに留学し、北アメリカ西部の山並みなどの大自然をはじめて描いた米国で最も有名な風景画家の一人である。米国西部などをスケッチ旅行し多くの作品を残している」という。


→  『故郷の夕焼け』([ 2003.06.29 ]  STAR WARS Episode II  ATTACK OF THE CLONES クローンの攻撃 より) (画像は、「CWS - CG Diorama」より) 「EP-2は赤く、そしてどこか絵画的な色合いの場面がいっぱいでした。他でも少し書いたのですが、これはEP2の劇場パンフレットによると、ルーカスがアルバート・ビアスタットなど、ハドソン・リバー派の画家達の絵を画面に求めたことによるらしい」とのこと。以下、画像は全て拡大できます。その手間の値打ちあり!

 例えば、案の定というか、「Kamio Gallery No.476 ジャスパー・クロプシー Kamio Gallery」に以下のような記述が見出せる。




← ビエスタッド 『シェラネバダの山中』(スミソニアン博物館蔵) (画像は以下全て、「肉筆複製画・美術品・絵画販売 ハドソンリバー派絵画」より。ホームページ:「複製画・美術品・絵画販売」の「World Art Shop 【ワールドアートショップ】」)

 ハドソン・リバー派の絵画は、(欧)米では人気があるようで、「ルーカスがアルバート・ビアスタットなど、ハドソン・リバー派の画家達の絵を画面に求めたこと」もあるとか。「劇場パンフレットに ビアスタットの名前を見た」人もいるのでは(「CWS - CG Diorama」参照)。



→ ビエスタッド 『ヨセミテバレーのドーム』(ハギン美術館蔵) (画像は以下全て、「肉筆複製画・美術品・絵画販売 ハドソンリバー派絵画」より。ホームページ:「複製画・美術品・絵画販売」の「World Art Shop 【ワールドアートショップ】」)

Albert Bierstadt」なる頁に彼のプロフィールなどが書いてある:

"Albert Bierstadt was among the most energetic, industrious, and internationally honored American artists of the nineteenth century. Born in humble circumstances in Solingen, Germany, he emigrated at age two to America with his parents and his two brothers. The family settled in New Bedford, Massachusetts, where his father became established as a barrelmaker. Little is known about Bierstadt's rearing or early artistic training, but he was advertising himself as an instructor in monochromatic painting in New Bedford in 1850, the same year he exhibited thirteen of those works and one drawing in Boston. His collaboration during the next three years with a daguerreotypist who produced theatrical presentations of American scenery laid the foundation for his lifelong interests in photography and North American topography.

 この中では、「His collaboration during the next three years with a daguerreotypist(銀板写真家) who produced theatrical presentations of American scenery laid the foundation for his lifelong interests in photography and North American topography」というくだりが注目すべき点か。


← ビエスタッド 『ヨセミテバレーの日の出』(アモンカーター美術館蔵) (画像は以下全て、「肉筆複製画・美術品・絵画販売 ハドソンリバー派絵画」より)

"In 1853, Bierstadt returned to Europe to study at the Düsseldorf Art Academy in Germany and to travel extensively on the Continent. Although he had entered that period of formal training with only rudimentary capabilities, he emerged from it an ambitious, technically proficient master whose tastes for European scenery and society had been considerably enhanced in the process. On his return to New Bedford, he quickly became the city's most prominent artist, organizing in 1858 a large exhibition of paintings - including fifteen of his own works - that brought him to national attention. His career decisively expanded in 1859, when he traveled to the territories of Colorado and Wyoming, for a time in the company of a United States government survey expedition headed by Colonel Frederick W. Lander. The purpose of Bierstadt's trip was to procure sketches for a series of large-scale landscape paintings of the American West. After he moved to the Tenth Street Studio Building in New York, he painted a sequence of canvases that secured his renown as a "western" artist and as the foremost competitor of Frederic E. Church in the field of monumental New World landscapes.



→ ビエスタッド 『ヨセミテバレーの日没』(ハギン美術館蔵) (画像は以下全て、「肉筆複製画・美術品・絵画販売 ハドソンリバー派絵画」より)

"Bierstadt rode the crest of success for the next decade. He made two additional western journeys, one in 1863, the other from 1871 to 1873. In the interval between, he married Rosalie Ludlow, built Malkasten, a magnificent mansion overlooking the river at Irvington-on-Hudson, New York, and undertook a two-year tour of Europe, where he and his wife mingled with the créme de la créme of British and Continental society. At the same time, he was painting spectacular pictures of western scenery, which were widely exhibited in the United States and abroad and which commanded the highest prices in American art at the time. Bierstadt balanced that wealth by his selfless participation in numerous charitable organizations and events.

 文中に、「créme de la créme」という言葉がある。成句なのか。直訳すると「クリームの中のクリーム」となるが、男の中の男(女の中の女)というわけでもないが、「フランス語の慣用句で「最高」という意味としても使われ」るようである。


← ビエスタッド 『カリフォルニアの巨樹』(バークッシャー美術館蔵) (画像は以下全て、「肉筆複製画・美術品・絵画販売 ハドソンリバー派絵画」より)

"Bierstadt's paintings began to attract adverse criticism in the mid-1860s. After 1880, his reputation substantially declined in the face of changing tastes, and he experienced a series of personal misfortunes that included the destruction by fire of Malkasten in 1882 and the death of his wife in 1893. Yet neither his public demeanor nor the plenitude of his artistic creativity was seriously hampered until the last years of his life. The sometimes uneven quality of his work, the stagey compositional effects to which he frequently resorted, and his sheer productivity tempted late-nineteenth-century writers and some twentieth-century observers to criticize him harshly. The temptation should be steadfastly resisted. Bierstadt's theatrical art, fervent sociability, international outlook, and unquenchable personal energy reflected the epic expansion in every facet of western civilization during the second half of the nineteenth century."




« 井上安治:影法師切なる思い描きしか | トップページ | ビエスタッド(後篇:センス・オブ・ワンダー) »









この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: ビエスタッド(前篇:風景は一期一会):

« 井上安治:影法師切なる思い描きしか | トップページ | ビエスタッド(後篇:センス・オブ・ワンダー) »